Danishjeet Singh


Contact: singhdan [at] iu.edu
GitHub: danishjeetsingh
Twitter: danishjeetsingh
LinkedIn: danishjeetsingh
Resume, CV, transcript

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2024.12 My First Youtube Interview on discussing AI powered social bots and the Generative AI landscape on social media platforms like Facebook. Checkout the video here.

Website heavily inspired by Eugenie Y. Lai


Strokes Card Deck

by Danishjeet Singh

This is a really old work of mine!

It was during COVID in 2020-21. I just wanted to give graphic designing a shot and was getting pretty good at it, so I decided to design my own deck of cards.

Turns out designing 52 cards is extremely repititive and it got boring pretty quickly, I never really got to finish the whole deck, however I did make some mockups back in the day just to get a feel of things.

Here are some of the mockups, I made them in Photoshop.

mockup1 mockup2 mockup3

Maybe some-day I will get back to finishing this and actually print a couple sets out to give to close friends and family.

This is also the time where I decided to design my logo, the same one that you will find as the icon of this site

This logo is actually a spin on the classic infinity symbol but a little boxy and rigid(for artistic temparament I suppose)

Here’s some of the variations I made, the one with the gray background is my favorite!

logo1 logo2 logo3